If acupuncture works, does it matter if we know how it works?
Blessed with a healthy constitution, I have never tried acupuncture. But many people, the world over, swear by it. The US National Center for Contemporary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) estimates...
View ArticleDying at Home
“Don’t do it,” said a doctor-friend when I told her I wanted to bring my terminally ill son home. I had no idea how exhausting and emotionally draining this caring business is, she warned. Honestly,...
View ArticleGoing to Extremes for Weight Loss The basics of bariatric surgery – Part Two
The following is the second of a two-part article about bariatric surgery. This information is for educational purposes and does not replace consultation with a physician. Contrary to popular belief,...
View ArticleDepression and Nursing
A review of nursing discussion groups indicates that depression within the nursing community is a major problem. Every year, approximately 18.8 million Americans and three million Canadians suffer from...
View ArticleBody alteration before modern cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery seems to be the latest “big thing.” Everyone wants to have a little taken off here, or a little accentuated there. And everyone knows that all surgery carries risk. A bit lumpy?...
View ArticleThe Unexpected World of Sexual Harassment
The post The Unexpected World of Sexual Harassment appeared first on What is an Eating Disorders ? : Treatment Centers.
View ArticleGeometry of Human Anatomy
“I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men.” –Albrecht Dürer In the days before plastic surgery gave us “perfection,” one could argue that artists,...
View ArticleMy Patients Are Your Children
Pediatrician Meg Meeker describes herself as “one of those bizarre people who loves teenagers.” This love is the driving force behind the physician/activist – since her early days in practice, Meeker...
View ArticleLosing Mitch
A little boy named Liam Glavine has no dad to play ball with, no dad to teach him to play the guitar, no dad to read him his bedtime story. His dad, Mitch, was stolen. The thief came in the night,...
View ArticleDiary of a Neighborhood Pharmacist, Entry #4
Stuff I have learned in a very short time: • Don’t waste your time phoning at 7:45am, nobody is going to answer. • Shift change is at 8am, and the rules are that each shift cleans up everything that it...
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